About Us
We are a small jewellery manufacturing company based in London, England.
We make all of the items we sell;
High quality jewellery with great customer service.
Just great jewellery direct to you from the manufacturer.
We make our jewellery with crystal from Swarovski.
Swarovski have been making crystal stones for jewellery manufactures
for more than 100 years.
But with the outsourcing of jewellery manufacturing from the UK and Europe the Far East Swarovski had to change.
They opened Swarovski retail stores around the world to sell their own range of jewellery under the Swarovski brand.
pewterhooter jewellery is not 'Swarovski' brand jewellery.
It is 'pewterhooter' brand jewellery made with sparkling crystal from Swarovski.
SWAROVSKI make the finest crystal stones in the World in the most beautiful vibrant colours.
Made in the UK
Most of the jewellery sold in the United Kingdom is manufactured in China and India.
pewterhooter jewellery is manufactured in London, England.
We need to bring more manufacturing jobs back to the UK to support our economy.
To give our children a future.